Over two decades of in-depth global experience has enabled us to refine and deliver today what we and our clients believe is a unique, highly effective and powerful approach to building sustainable differentiated performance.
At Oisin we support leaders to create cultures of high performance by assisting them to:
Align around purpose, strategic priorities, operational objectives, individual and cultural values and ways of working…
Engage the hearts and minds of all stakeholders, unleash discretionary effort, shift culture from compliance to commitment, deepen trust
Enable: facilitate learning and growth, creativity and innovation. Catalyze the freeing of potential, build individual and collective high performance
Build Accountability: ensuring clear roles and responsibilities for individuals and teams, articulating explicit commitments, embedding a feedback culture, embedding both individual and group accountability ….
It’s clear that aligning efforts with strategic imperatives dramatically increases organisational efficiency and effectiveness. People contribute more when they share, believe in and feel a sense of ownership around what is required strategically, operationally and culturally to achieve core objectives. Shared purpose, vision, values and ways of working enable organisational strategy to permeate and are central to sustaining growth and positive change.
Defining strategic goals, however, provides only a partial picture – what’s important is establishing a culture in which strategic goals, organisational objectives and cultural values positively reinforce each other at all levels. Cultural values, like organisational goals, are essential to success, because the way in which people achieve goals is as important in the long term as attaining goals themselves.
We work with organisations of all types and sizes to establish and harness the synergy between strategic goals, operational objectives and cultural values to achieve top-tier performance. Through our integrated approach we enhance organisations’ ability to:
Analyse the existing culture and its values, diagnose organisation alignment, identify milestones along the journey and monitor long-term cultural change;
Articulate and socialise the organisation’s vision, mission and values and embed the “Big Picture” in the hearts and minds of individuals and teams at all levels;
Through an integrated transformational approach, enhance the capability of leaders to recognise, encourage and foster individual, team and organisational alignment around strategic imperatives
Execute strategy, through implementing integrated transformational development programs,
“If you’re not creating the ingredients of your success, someone else may be creating the conditions of your demise.”
Leaders and teams that are deeply engaged and committed to shared purpose and goals become catalysts for exceptional performance. It is only when individuals and teams are fully engaged with each other in a common purpose that they are enabled to harness and focus their full potential. They put forth, with greater effort, the energy required to generate overwhelmingly positive results: increased retention, customer loyalty, financial metrics and shareholder return. The bottom line: visionary leadership generates superior levels of employee and customer engagement, which delivers superior business results.
High-engagement cultures start with 6 crucial cornerstones: compelling purpose and meaning, individual and collective accountability, deep and pervasive trust, connectivity and care, leveraged diversity and growth mindset orientation. These elements provide the mechanism for nurturing strong, collaborative relationships at all levels within the organization.
We work with organisations to foster a high degree of cultural engagement at all levels through a combination of tailored consulting, coaching and developmental programs. We accelerate the capacity for corporate leaders to:
Diagnose engagement at all levels within the organisation;
Formulate strategies to enhance engagement;
Create cultures of engagement within teams, across functions and with external partners
Maintain engagement through times of transition – mergers, de-mergers, acquisitions, downsizings, integrations – by proactively addressing emotional and rational responses to change.
We haven’t yet come across anyone who doesn’t want to be better equipped to perform at their best. Strong alignment and high levels of engagement provide the collective structure for high-performance, while enablement provides the mechanisms to foster individual and collective growth, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Enabling means equipping people with the resources, tools and supportive structures required to broaden knowledge and skills, develop new behaviours and mindsets and access full potential individually and collectively.
Leaders hold the key to whether their people and teams flourish or flounder. Unlocking potential requires that leaders possess the aptitude to determine required capabilities, identify strengths and gaps and accurately draw upon the enablers that will generate the most positive impact. The challenge is to be able to apply these skills within a dynamic environment of ever-changing business conditions.
We work with leaders to provide them with the skills, processes, tools and strategies needed to enable their people to achieve exceptional performance. Our capabilities enhance leaders’ ability to:
Diagnose a range of factors impacting upon their ability to facilitate optimal levels of performance;
Develop leadership strategies to address the key shifts required within their unique context;
Catalyse high performance both individually, within and across teams.
Build a coaching culture to positively influence performance through the application of proprietary coaching methodologies, tools, resources and frameworks.
“If you measure it, you can understand it. If you understand it, you can improve it.”
Accountability seals the performance loop by establishing measurement, feedback and performance review as central to organisational success. When stitched into the fabric of organisations, “being accountable” motivates individual and collective ownership. By equipping leaders to establish a feedback culture, we ensure that individuals and teams at all levels receive useful information that enables them to ongoingly review their impact and make ‘good choices’.
It’s this feedback cycle that drives individuals and teams to recognise emerging strengths and address impediments to success.
We help develop leaders to drive a culture of accountability and establish high levels of individual, team and organisational performance. We achieve this by enhancing a leader’s ability to:
Leverage performance management structures, processes tools and frameworks;
Craft precise performance and development objectives;
Facilitate conversations that catalyse high performance;
Build high performance through shaping and embedding an effective, systematic feedback culture;